欧莱雅集团是世界著名的化妆品生产厂商,创立于197年。现各类化妆品畅销全世界,广受欢迎。除化妆品以外,该集团还经营高档的消费品,并从事制药和皮肤病研究。1996年,欧莱雅公司和苏州医学院合作成立了苏州欧莱雅有限公司。同年又在苏州建立了第一家化妆品生产厂家,生产巴黎欧莱雅L'Oreal Paris)系列产品。
1.Audit Type: 审核类型:
COC audit:社会责任审核
Semi-unannounced audit with 30 days window:30 天通知窗口的半通知审核
2. Audit Scope 审核范围 :
1) Initial audit: at least the last 12month records of working hour and wage should be provided. For new factories,need to provide the working hours and wage from the factory opened till theaudit date with at least 3 month records for audit.
首次审核:需提供至少最近 12 个月的工资工时记录。如果是新厂,需提供从开厂至审核当天且至少有 3 个月的工资工时记录⃞
2) Follow up audit: Need to provide theworking hours and wage from the previous audit till the current audit date withat least 3 month records for audit.
3)All area under thesame business license of the audited facility will be covered.
3. Audit Contents: 审核内容:
Child Labor 童工
Forced & Compulsory labour 强迫劳工
Non-Discrimination 反岐视
Health and Safety 健康与安全
Freedom of association 自由结社
Disciplinary practices 惩戒措施
Harassment & Abuse 骚扰和虐待
Working hours 工作时间
Compensation & Benefits 薪酬和福利
Subcontracting 分包/转包